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Good Night Sleep Bundle

Good Night Sleep Bundle

Adequate sleep — about seven to eight hours a night for most people — is absolutely necessary for a healthy body and mind. Rest promotes normal hormone levels and brain function. Skipping sleep can lead to poor work performance, anger, and depression.

These are my best tips for getting better sleep: • Meditate for 15 minutes every day • Stop consuming caffeine by mid-afternoon • Eat small dinners at least two to three hours before bed • Practice earthing, which is walking around barefoot outside • Ban electronics from your bedroom • Keep your bedroom cool — between 60 and 67 degrees • Try sleeping naked • Stick to a bedtime routine


Night Night Tea 40 gr

Pineal 120ml

Fountain of Youth Fulvic 120 ml


    Price Options
    One-time purchase
    Good Night Sleep
    C$120.00every year until canceled
    Good Night Sleep
    C$120.00every month until canceled
    • Web of Wyrd YouTube
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