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Why the HydrOxy works: The AquaCure machine generates a high energy bio-available gas called HydrOxy (aka Brown’s Gas, BG, HHO or OxyHydrogen); that our bodies need to heal (from disease and wounds) prevent & reverse the symptoms of aging. HydrOxy travels in your blood into every cell for nutrition & relief of issues related to dehydration (literally meaning ‘lack of hydrogen’). HydrOxy is the world’s BEST non-toxic anti-oxidant and antiinflammatory; with anti-apoptotic (cell health) & cytoprotective (cell protective) properties. HydrOxy (as a gas) can be: * Directly Breathed (while sleeping, relaxing, etc.) * Spot applied or Bagged, (to the skin) HydrOxy infused SUPER WATER can be: * Drank (amazingly healthful water) * Topically Applied to Skin (for wounds, cancer and other skin issues) Since 1995, copious empirical and anecdotal evidence of the efficacy of HydrOxy has been reported; mostly by people who already had electrolyzers and were trying ANYTHING to achieve better health. The amazing results these people reported finally convinced some scientists to study hydrogen for health starting about 2005, resulting (as of 2017) in over 600 studies of over 170 ailments… ALL of which prove HydrOxy supplementation WORKS fantastically WELL! Further, there are NO negative side effects! In every case, there are only positive health results. In addition to hydrogen, HydrOxy also contains oxygen and ExW. HydrOxy has ALL the benefits of hydrogen PLUS is super-charged with nutrients & additional energy no other solution provides. Two of many Safety Features of AquaCure: The AquaCure machine has gas volume adjustability Why? Because, for most protocols, MORE hydrogen is better… the EXCEPTION is inhaling. When inhaling hydrogen you MUST keep the percentage of hydrogen in the intake breath UNDER 4% or it is EXPLOSIVE. For maximum therapeutic benefit you must inhale. Most electrolyzer manufacturers don't mention this safety issue because they do NOT have gas volume adjustability. AquaCure also has two different over-pressure safety features. Why? Because when water is made into HydrOxy, it expands 1800 times in volume, which (in an enclosed space) creates pressure. If the pressure rises too high, HydrOxy will selfexplode. The AquaCure is specifically designed to prevent or release excessive pressure. Most electrolyzer manufactures do not have pressure controls or allow excessive pressure (>2psi) before shutoff.

AquaCure AC50

  • All our products are sourced with care and undergo rigorous third-party testing to ensure quality, safety, and purity. Using a proprietary extraction process, we provide Certificates of Analysis (COA) for every batch, setting the standard for safety and transparency in the humic and fulvic supplement industry.

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