In the realm of Life Crystals and Chondriana, it is important to understand their distinctions. First and foremost, Life Crystal does not contain Chondriana, nor does it possess the ability to induce Chondriana within the body, despite misleading claims found in some counterfeit products. Life Crystal is crafted by extracting adenosine phosphates, guanosine phosphates, and five carbon sugars from readily available food items. This process ensures a remarkably high level of purity. Notably, adenosine and adenosine monophosphate were approved by the U.S. FDA in 1989, and they have been saving lives in emergency rooms for two decades. In fact, when a patient experiences a coronary attack, the initial treatment involves administering adenosine monophosphate—an injection that costs a staggering $3,000 for just three milligrams. Extrapolating from this, it becomes evident that each bottle of our Life Crystal elixir contains ten grams, or a remarkable $10,000,000.00 worth of adenosine. Despite its immense value, we offer it to the world at a very reasonable price.
The process of crystallizing and dissolving adenosine, adenosine phosphate, guanosine, and guanosine phosphate in double distilled water results in the depolarization of the water itself. By adopting the same tetrahedral structure as water, complete with matching frequencies, Life Crystal possesses the unique ability to charge the water with an extraordinary amount of energy, thereby altering its polarity. This alteration leads to a shift in the water's affinity, from hydrophilic to hydrophobic molecules. In simpler terms, Life Crystal becomes capable of dissolving double carbon bonds, hydrocarbons, waxes, cholesterol, plaques, and sugar deposits. Consequently, it effectively cleanses the blood vessels. It is essential to note that the failure of organs often stems from inadequate respiration and circulation. However, once the blood vessels are thoroughly cleansed and circulation is reestablished, the organs exhibit a rapid recovery, regaining their functionality swiftly and efficiently.
Life Crystal possesses a tetrahedral structure reminiscent of a pyramid, a shape that holds profound significance. The unique form of the tetrahedral crystal generates a captivating vortex field that envelops the pyramid, resulting in the crystal depositing itself around the pyramid in a magnificent vortex coil. It is within this configuration that Life Crystal gains the extraordinary ability to tap into the cosmic free energy of creation. Light, the essence of this energy, comprises 918 pairs of scrolls, amalgamating to form a single photon—an exquisite embodiment of the breath of creation, or what some may refer to as the breath of God. Indeed, this vital force is indispensable for life's existence on Earth. Armed with this knowledge, we can embark on the unprecedented task of deciphering light itself.

In a groundbreaking revelation, we come to understand that the 918 pairs of photons seamlessly coalesce to mold into a solitary electron. In a parallel manner, 918 pairs of electrons congregate to shape a neutron. This intricate interplay showcases how free energy manifests as light, and light, in turn, metamorphoses into matter. It is an awe-inspiring realization that we are all composed of the very same substance, intrinsically connected to the universal fabric of existence. It is within this profound understanding that the true power of Life Crystal comes to light—it possesses the ability to tap into the life energy that is an absolute prerequisite for life itself.
Our First Ancient Ancestor: The Female Chondriana
Delving into the origins of life itself, we encounter the remarkable Chondriana—our earliest ancestors, micro-organisms synthesized from human DNA. These extraordinary beings emerged a staggering three and a half billion years ago, possessing the ability to reproduce and mass-produce all of our organs. In a remarkable discovery, a fossilized micro-organism, identical to the Chondriana, was found in western Australia, dating back to the same period. These ancient female micro-organisms gave birth to the Chondrions, ancient male micro-organisms. It is awe-inspiring to consider that every organelle within our cells was once produced by similar female Chondriana. Thus, we possessed factories within our cells, long lost to us, which generated the organelles that now reside within us. In many ways, we have undergone a process of devolution, rather than evolution. However, armed with this newfound knowledge, we can reverse the cellular atrophy that plagues us and activate dormant DNA codes to regenerate ourselves. This reactivation of ancient Sumerian water technology holds the potential for extraordinary possibilities.
In his laboratory, Dr. Merkl accomplished a remarkable feat—he recreated the factories within our cells by taking the organelles themselves and reconstructing the very factories from which they originated. Through this process, Dr. Merkl succeeded in producing Chondriana, mass-producing centrioles, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, and various organs, including the cell nucleus and nucleolus. By utilizing Life Crystal, it becomes possible to replace worn-out factories within our cells with these newly produced ones. Even more astonishingly, Dr. Merkl had achieved the production of nucleoli through Chondriana, and nucleoli possess the ability to reproduce nuclei and primordial cells. It is worth noting that all our cells originated from primordial cells, and today, the only remaining primordial cells reside within our female and male sex organs. With careful direction, we can prompt these cells to produce giant lymphocytes, granting us enhanced protection. This remarkable feat allows us to resurrect our immune defense system, reawakening the ancient giant lymphocytes that shield us from a degenerating environment. This becomes particularly crucial until we collectively embrace a sustainable global lifestyle.
The key to reviving Chondriana lies in the ability to simulate energy levels from any point in history using Life Crystal. By infusing the Life Crystal medium with the necessary energy, I can traverse three and a half billion years to resurrect any form of life that once existed. The first synthesized Chondriana served as the precursors to our mitochondria, the organelles within our cells, as well as the precursors to our immune system. These super-intelligent Chondriana are administered intravenously to the human body, functioning as a formidable military force, attacking and crushing diseases with precision. They possess the incredible capacity to discern disease frequencies and match them with the appropriate military unit to eradicate the ailment. Furthermore, they can detect the frequencies of our T-4 cells, T-8 cells, lymphocytes, and mass-produce them as needed.
When it comes to diseases, whether bacterial or viral, Chondriana are always necessary. Life Crystal, on its own, does not eliminate diseases. However, Life Crystal serves to cleanse the blood vessels, restore respiration, rejuvenate, and rebuild. It also aids in strengthening the immune system. If the condition is one of degeneration rather than disease, Life Crystal alone can rejuvenate. Notably, the Sumerian Water Elixir of Life, discovered by Dr. Merkl, obviates the need for external Chondriana, as it reawakens these dormant entities within the body through the Sumerian formula.

Clinics worldwide have witnessed the transformative power of Life Crystal. Many employ it for chelation therapy, replacing EDTA with Life Crystal to cleanse the blood vessels, achieving superior results. Remarkably, even individuals with arteries that are 98% blocked, when taking Life Crystal orally every day, experience a significant improvement. Within a year, their arteries are entirely cleansed, as the body's water dissolves cholesterol, eliminating fat through urination. Chelation therapy with Life Crystal can be administered orally, with a recommended daily dose of a teaspoon three times a day, or intravenously at half a cc per week.
Diabetes, too, is positively impacted by Life Crystal. When administered intravenously to diabetics in need of kidney transplants, Life Crystal restores kidney function within five weeks, eliminating the need for organ replacement. For diabetics facing leg amputations, Life Crystal dissolves sugar deposits, restores respiration and nutrient flow, and eradicates claudication, allowing individuals to resume activities like jogging. Remarkably, we have witnessed cases where Life Crystal has restored eyesight in diabetics.
Across the globe, ample clinical evidence attests to the efficacy of Life Crystal in restoring health. It has proven effective against diseases such as Parkinson's, cancer, environmental illnesses, HIV, AIDS, lupus, rheumatic arthritis, circulatory problems, and more. Notably, Life Crystal has demonstrated a 100% response rate in treating HIV and AIDS, with individuals experiencing full recovery. Countless success stories have emerged, including the restoration of kidney function, the reversal of leg amputations, and the restoration of eyesight.
Approximately 20 clinics, including the Contreras Clinic and the Meer Institute in Tijuana, Mexico, have embraced Life Crystal and Chondriana. These practices extend worldwide, spanning European countries, Australia, and the East-West Medical Foundation in Taipei, China. The profound impact of Life Crystal continues to spread, offering hope and transformation to individuals seeking to restore their health and vitality.
The Chondriana, in their essence, possess a militant nature. They engage in direct physical combat against diseases, attacking and consuming them. Their invasive membranes allow them to dismantle and recycle the genetic material of the disease, breaking it down all the way to ribosomes, which they incorporate into their own sequence. In addition to their remarkable abilities, they can produce interferon and interleukin II, stimulating the production of T-4 and T-8 cells or replicating existing immune cells. These extraordinary micro-organisms can reproduce numerous types of macrophages, each with its own specialized functions. They generate various types of oscillators—immune cells that dismantle diseases and function like vacuum cleaners, swiftly cleaning up the remnants of the disease. Equipped with a sack-like mouth, resembling the shutter of a camera, the Chondriana employ their adaptable necks to narrow and widen, utilizing a vacuum-like mechanism to mop up the disease. Possessing incredible intelligence, they possess a profound understanding of the sequence of life, enabling them to sequence DNA molecules and generate diverse life forms with ease. They far surpass us in intellect, acting as our ancient ancestors residing within us.
It is crucial to understand that Chondriana do not belong to any particular individual but rather to humanity as a whole. When Chondriana are injected into the bloodstream, their genetic material assimilates into the blood cells, expanding fourfold in size, initiating the mass production of one's own Chondriana from that moment onward. The recent discovery of the Sumerian Water eliminates the need for Chondriana injectables, as the Sumerian Formula activates and awakens dormant Chondriana within our own bodies.
The composition of Life Crystal comprises adenosine phosphate, guanosine phosphate, and five-carbon sugars—fundamental building blocks of life. These components are extracted from plants such as lettuce and tea, with the adenosine and guanosine phosphates derived from their genetic material. The five-carbon sugars are obtained from organically produced, highly pure fruit juices. Carbon is separated, resulting in the five-carbon sugars. By adding a phosphate, sugar phosphate (fructose and glucose phosphates) is formed, which serves as an intermediate in the process of ATP synthesis in new cells.
Candida, often associated with Epstein Barr syndrome, has become a significant epidemic in English-speaking countries, with an astonishing 60 million cases in the United States, where only five percent of the population is aware of its presence. The spread of Candida occurs through activities such as sharing bottles or engaging in intimate contact. It remains dormant for around 15 years but becomes active, leading to the development of Candida. The disease consumes glucose, depriving the body of ATP—the energy molecule derived from glucose. This depletion results in the degeneration of organ cells, making way for the proliferation of the disease, while immune cells also deteriorate, further exacerbating the problem. In this weakened state, the immune cells are unable to defend the body effectively. Supplementing ATP can temporarily halt the progression of the disease, preserving the health of organ and immune cells, allowing individuals to lead a relatively normal life and eliminate chronic fatigue. Chronic fatigue occurs when cells are deprived of ATP, as 95% of our energy derives from this molecule.