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Interview with Natural Healing Practitioner Emil Shellborn

Benefits of Humic and Fulvic Acid Supplements for Anti-Aging and Natural Detox

Benefits of Holistic Health Practices

Emil Shellborn, a natural healing practitioner and the founder of WYRD Wellness, dedicates his life to promoting holistic health and wellness. Emil’s journey into the world of natural healing began decades ago, inspired by ancient practices and modern scientific research. His practice focuses on Bio-Energetics and Nutritherapy, combining traditional wisdom of various ancient cultures with cutting-edge health solutions in supporting the body’s natural ability to heal and rejuvenate.

Emil emphasizes that while he is not a doctor or nurse, his expertise lies in the field of natural and holistic health. Emil holds diplomas from the Alternative Medicine College of Canada, specializing in Nutritherapy and Natural Health Practices. His qualifications and deep understanding of alternative medicine allow him to guide individuals on their wellness journeys without the need for a medical license, offering personalized health solutions that align with natural and holistic principles.

Emil: "In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to overlook the importance of maintaining our health through natural means. Many people are caught up in the routines of daily life, often neglecting their well-being until it’s too late. My goal is to educate people about the benefits of detoxification and anti-aging practices, helping them to find natural balance in life."

Emil pours us some of his Chaga Chai Artisan Tea and emphasizes the significance of paying attention to our bodies and exploring healthy options before the need for official medical solutions presents itself. According to him, detoxification is more than just a trend—it's a vital process that when taken seriously, helps remove toxins accumulated by our bodies from the environment, processed food diet, and lifestyle full of stress. This cleansing supports the body’s ability to function optimally and slows down the aging process. "Think of detoxification as cleaning the sewer. Would you use your kitchen sink as a toilet and to wash the dishes? Of course not. Similarly, our bodies need regular cleansing to function properly," he explains.

Through his consultations, Emil guides clients on a journey to better health by incorporating plant medicines, such as humic and fulvic acid, life crystals, herbal tinctures, and artisan tea blends. He believes in bio-dynamic farming and ethical wild harvesting to ensure that the products he recommends are of the highest quality, supporting both human health and the environment.

Healthy Living Recommendations and Detox: 10 Tips from Emil

During our interview, Emil shared his top tips for healthy living and effective detoxification. These tips, combined with his recommended supplements, form the cornerstone of his holistic health solutions.

Recognizing the Need for Detox

In our modern world, the signs that your body needs detoxification can often be overlooked or misinterpreted. Common indicators include chronic fatigue, frequent headaches, digestive issues, skin problems, brain fog, and mood swings. Recognizing these symptoms early can help you take proactive steps to cleanse your body and restore balance.

How to Determine the Need for Detox

If you experience persistent symptoms such as lethargy, bloating, acne, or mental cloudiness, it might be time to consider a detox. Regular exposure to environmental toxins, poor dietary habits, and high stress levels can accumulate harmful substances in your body, impeding its natural detoxification processes.

10 Essential Detox Tips

1. Stay Hydrated

Tip: Drinking plenty of purified water is essential for flushing toxins from the body. Emil advises aiming for at least 8 glasses a day to support kidney function and overall detoxification.

On a cellular level, proper hydration is crucial. Water facilitates the transportation of nutrients and the removal of waste products from cells. Dehydration can lead to a buildup of toxins, impeding cellular function and overall health. Avoid sugary drinks and opt for pure water or herbal teas to stay hydrated. Sugary beverages can lead to dependency and further burden your detox organs, like the liver.

2. Eat a Clean Diet

Tip: Incorporate organic fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains into your diet. Avoid processed foods, added sugars, and artificial additives. "A clean diet is the foundation of good health," Emil asserts.

A clean diet supports the body’s natural detoxification processes by providing essential nutrients and fiber. Organic produce minimizes your exposure to pesticides and chemicals, while whole foods nourish the body and support digestive health. Avoiding processed foods reduces the intake of harmful additives that can disrupt metabolic functions.

3. Support Gut Health

Tip: Consume probiotics and prebiotics to maintain a healthy gut microbiome, which is essential for efficient detoxification and nutrient absorption. Emil recommends MicroBiome Boost, an advanced gut health supplement designed to promote anti-aging and overall well-being.

The gut microbiome plays a pivotal role in detoxification. Beneficial bacteria help break down toxins and support the immune system. Probiotics introduce these beneficial bacteria, while prebiotics feed them. Supplements like MicroBiome Boost can enhance this balance, promoting a healthier digestive tract and improved overall detoxification.

4. Use Natural Supplements

Tip: Consider supplements like humic and fulvic acids, which enhance nutrient absorption, support liver function, and provide antioxidant benefits. Emil is particularly passionate about the benefits of these acids for overall health, for their detox and hydration properties.

Humic and fulvic acids are natural compounds that bind to heavy metals and other toxins, facilitating their removal from the body. They enhance the bioavailability of nutrients, ensuring that your cells receive the essential minerals they need. These supplements also support liver function, a critical organ in the detoxification process.

5. Exercise Regularly

Tip: Physical activity increases circulation and promotes sweating, which helps expel toxins through the skin. Emil suggests aiming for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily.

Exercise stimulates the lymphatic system, which is responsible for removing toxins from the tissues. Sweating during physical activity also helps eliminate waste products through the skin. Regular exercise supports cardiovascular health, enhances mood, and aids in weight management, all of which contribute to overall detoxification.

6. Practice Mindfulness

Tip: Stress management techniques like meditation, tai chi, and deep breathing reduce stress hormones that can impede detoxification processes. "Mental health is just as important as physical health," Emil emphasizes.

Chronic stress releases hormones like cortisol, which can suppress the immune system and impair detoxification. Mindfulness practices help reduce stress, lower cortisol levels, and promote a sense of calm. Techniques such as meditation and tai chi also enhance mental clarity and emotional well-being.

Tip: Ensure you get 7-9 hours of sleep each night. The liver performs many detoxification processes during rest, making sleep crucial for effective detox.

During sleep, the body undergoes repair and detoxification processes. The liver works to filter and eliminate toxins from the bloodstream, and cellular repair occurs throughout the body. Adequate sleep is essential for maintaining these functions and supporting overall health.

8. Avoid Toxins

Tip: Minimize exposure to environmental toxins such as tobacco smoke, alcohol, and pollutants. Opt for natural cleaning products and personal care items.

Reducing exposure to toxins is a proactive step in maintaining health. Environmental pollutants, synthetic chemicals, and toxic substances can accumulate in the body, burdening detoxification organs. Choosing natural products and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can significantly reduce this toxic load.

9. Try Detox Baths

Tip: Epsom salt baths can help draw out toxins through the skin and provide magnesium, which supports over 300 biochemical reactions in the body.

Epsom salts, rich in magnesium sulfate, are absorbed through the skin during a bath. Magnesium helps relax muscles, reduce inflammation, and support enzymatic functions in detoxification. Detox baths promote relaxation and enhance the body’s ability to eliminate toxins through the skin.

10. Regular Fasting

Tip: Intermittent fasting or occasional juice cleanses give the digestive system a break and promote autophagy, the body’s way of cleaning out damaged cells.

Fasting stimulates autophagy, a process where the body breaks down and recycles damaged cells. This promotes cellular repair and regeneration, supporting overall health and longevity. Intermittent fasting and juice cleanses can also help reset the digestive system and improve metabolic functions.

Addressing Misconceptions About Detox

1. Detoxing means inducing diarrhea: Detoxification involves eliminating toxins through various channels, including the liver, kidneys, and skin. While some detox processes may cause temporary changes in bowel movements, detox is not synonymous with diarrhea.

2. Detox is solely for weight loss: While detoxification can aid in weight management, its primary purpose is to cleanse the body of toxins and improve overall health. Weight loss may be a beneficial side effect.

3. Detox is unnecessary if you eat healthy: Even with a healthy diet, environmental pollutants, stress, and other factors can lead to toxin buildup. Regular detox practices can enhance the body’s natural cleansing processes.

4. Detox diets are extreme and unsustainable: Effective detoxification does not require extreme measures. Incorporating simple, sustainable practices into your daily routine can provide long-term benefits.

5. All detox supplements are the same: Not all detox supplements are of the same quality. It’s essential to choose high-quality, natural supplements like humic and fulvic supplements that have proven benefits and minimal side effects.

Emil: "Detoxification is essential in today’s world. With the increasing exposure to environmental toxins from a young age, starting detox practices early can prevent the accumulation of harmful substances in the body. Ideally, people should begin considering detoxification by their 40s at the latest, but even starting in infancy can be beneficial."

The Unique Benefits of Humic and Fulvic Acids

Humic and fulvic supplements are natural substances derived from decomposed organic matter. They have been celebrated for their impressive benefits in promoting health and combating various ailments. Emil shared insights into why these acids are so beneficial and unique compared to other supplements.

Emil: "Humic and fulvic supplements are often overshadowed by more familiar supplements like vitamins and minerals, but their roles in promoting health are multifaceted and scientifically backed. Humic acid, for instance, is a thick, black liquid found in rich organic matter like soil and sediment. It’s a key component of humus, the organic fraction of soil formed by decomposing plant and animal matter."

One of the standout features of humic acid is its prophylactic properties. Emil explains that humic acid can coat receptor sites throughout the body, particularly in the digestive system, acting as a shield against infections. This protective layer limits the number of potential infections, making humic acid a formidable antiviral, antibiotic, and anti-inflammatory agent.

Inflammation: A root cause of many chronic diseases and aging-related ailments, inflammation can be mitigated by the potent anti-inflammatory properties of humic acid. This provides an internal environment conducive to longevity and better health.

Scientific Backing: The benefits of humic acid are not just anecdotal but are supported by scientific research. Clinical studies and documentation on governmental sites substantiate its efficacy, enhancing its credibility and reassuring users of its tangible benefits.

For athletes and fitness enthusiasts, humic acid offers additional advantages. Bodybuilders, in particular, use it for "cutting" – the process of losing subcutaneous fat to highlight muscle definition. Humic acid facilitates the conversion of fat into energy, helping to shed the last layers of stubborn fat and achieve a sculpted physique.

Emil: "Beyond fat burning, humic acid also promotes bone regeneration and detoxification. Maintaining strong bones is crucial for overall health, and the detoxifying properties of humic acid support the body in efficiently eliminating harmful toxins. This ensures that the body remains clean and functions optimally, reducing the risk of toxin-related health issues."

Incorporating humic and fulvic acids into your daily routine is straightforward. Typically, a daily dosage consists of about 40 drops, divided into two doses of 20 drops each. In case of a health crisis or the onset of an infection, increasing the dosage to about 100 drops—or approximately a teaspoon—can provide enhanced support.

Despite their powerful effects, these acids are easy to integrate into everyday life. By adding the drops to your preferred beverage, you can seamlessly incorporate them into your daily routine without any disruption.


Detoxification, when approached mindfully, can significantly enhance your health and slow down the aging process. Emil’s insights and recommendations provide a comprehensive guide to supporting your body’s natural detoxification systems, improving your vitality, and maintaining a youthful appearance. Remember, it’s about creating a balanced lifestyle that integrates clean eating, regular exercise, stress management, and the right supplements, like humic and fulvic acids, for optimal health and longevity.

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